I saw his head was the wrong shape!!! Too big on the left side of the painting.
While I wait for the spilled masking fluid to dry [again], I thought I would post an update on my painting. Starting from the top photo, I managed to slop mask on the painting while I was prepping it. I am starting again, because last night I saw - FINALLY - the huge sketching error I had made months ago. I had written Anne Zoutsos for help and advice, and she generously gave it, with her usual dry and brilliant sense of humor thrown in for good measure. I could not figure out what her comment "eh?" meant, until last night. I kept looking at the head where I next wanted to apply a darker wash, and it just looked wrong. Finally, the light bulb went on over my head - BINK! I had sketched the head outline as far as the ear, then added the ear, making it even larger. Using staining colors as usual, I couldn't lift, so drew another Buddy on wc. paper last night, and started applying mask this morning. So there I am, and there you are - all caught up on my "progress". I think the mask should be dry; I'll go back and get it right ! |