I was greeted by this Northern Flicker as I got out of my car. |
This is part of the garden. My neighbour graciously offered me to come over any time to photograph her flowers. |
Dahlias galore! |
All shapes, sizes and colours. |
I had never seen one like this. |
I have been feeling very down the past few weeks - sad, angry, frustrated at all the "development" that is going on in my area. There is even a movie being filmed on the property behind Bruno's field. The script calls for fireworks to be set off between 8 PM and midnight, so I will have to have Bruno tranquillized, and I'll spend the night out there to make sure he is all right. This is NOT my idea of country life at all. I am sadly thinking I will have to move somewhere quieter - not sure where. Anyway, I really needed some peace and beauty, so I went over to my neighbour's farm. They have a huge garden - some vegetables and some flowers. It was a glorious respite!
Thank you for dropping by, and I hope you enjoyed the flowers as much as I did!