Yes, I had disappeared off the face of the planet, the art portion of it anyway. I've been focussing my energy on Bruno, who I was rapidly turning into 3/4 ton of spoiled horse. I suffer from a severe case of "Black Beauty" syndrome, and I blame that on the fact that my parents would not buy me a horse when I was young. I studied the piano for 15 years instead of riding. I don't regret the lessons, as I have a great love of music, but a horse would have been great. Consequently, I had to wait till I was 30, and then buy my own.
However, the result of this delayed gratification of my passion for The Horse, is a very strong tendency to spoil them rotten. A spoiled horse is a dangerous horse, with little or no respect for their person. Add to this, the fact that I do not have quite the intestinal fortitude [guts] at this time of year to be as disciplined as I need to be, and you have the beginning of a rebellion on the part of the horse.
Bruno, being a good lad |
"What the ... ?" |
Yesterday was THE day. I steeled myself for the confrontation, and worked hard to maintain a calm and non-reactive bearing. Bruno was a bit of a turd, and there were some scary moments, but I won the upper hand, or "hoof". I was NOT brutal; I could never be that way ... just firm in my demands. And I am pleasantly surprised at how his quieter, better-behaved manner has affected ALL his interactions with me.
Cindy Redux |
Bee in asters |
I am painting. Working on a re-do of Cindy [I just don't like the green background] and a close-up of a bee in some asters. They are both in warm colors; I seem to need that right now.