Saturday, June 22, 2013

When Is a Painting like a Good Book???

... when you are enjoying it so much, you never want it to end, but you want to know how it will finish. That's how I feel about this painting.

I've done  thin wash of indanthrone blue on everything inside the shed.  The colors I am using for the geese are quin. sienna, quin. burnt orange, quin. coral, brown madder, cobalt blue and ultramarine violet [I think - can't read the label].

I am keeping the brighter colors for the geese in the foreground.

Here I've painted w/w with indanthrone, quin. burnt orange and brown madder to suggest old wooden boards ... 

... and gone over it with indanthrone.

I've done some soft shadowing of the geese inside, and a w/w wash of the outside boards of the shed, using cobalt blue and quin. burnt orange. Thankfully,  there are many more hours of play-time left with this painting.  :)

Thank you for dropping by, and your comments are always welcome!