Wednesday, November 21, 2012

ALWAYS on the Day before I Have to Go the Office ...

I decided to psychedelicize the wasp ...

This is another oldie I would like to re-work. I'd keep the same composition, but change the colors.

And another one that is crying to be re-done. This is from my botanical stage. :)

Still working on detailed sketch.

Possible values for background

More of my scribbled sketching

It seems the day before I head to the office, my mind is full of ideas that I want to paint. After a day slaving over hot mouths, so to speak, I am too drained to do any decent painting, so it's a bit frustrating.
The sketches are for a landscape I'd like to do, inspired by the movie "The Name of the Rose". I LOVED it - the scenery, the characters, the plot, the time period ...  I would call the era the end of the Dark Ages, still very grim, but with some intellectual light peeking through. The protagonist is a rebel, almost a heretic, and the story revolves around several mysterious and bizarre murders at an abbey. It brings in aspects of medieval peasant and religious life, religious schisms so prevalent in the era, the Inquisition, and many other sub-plots. All is set in the depths of winter, in an isolated abbey in northern Italy. The scenery and cinematography are fabulous! Parts were filmed at the Rocca di Calascio in the Abruzzo region of Italy. It is this bleakness and darkness, yet with a glimmer of light, that I will be trying to portray.

As always, your comments are most welcome. :)