Friday, July 13, 2012


Is the sky too dark? Are the mountains not dark enough? Is the abutment too wishy-washy? I've been pecking away at this off and on all day so far, and I am not impressed. Time to leave it for a while ...

This is it in black/white, to check values.  It all looks like a glop of mid-values to me, but then it is supposed to be a cloudy scene. I don't know.

As always, your comments are most welcome.

The Great Tweak Begins ...

I left it here last night ...


Outdoor light

I've done two w/w washes on the water, and another on the sky, and so far I like the look of the painting. There is pigment everywhere except a tiny strip on the roof. SO ... now I have to start tweaking and balancing the entire painting, to create something cohesive with a good focal point. Onward!

As always, your comments are most welcome.