Loose blurps of aureolin and phthlalo blue |
More blue, and some quin. siena |
More of the earlier colors, plus some new gamboge
This is when I decided he needed a name. |
I think he looks so cute, in a lobster-ish sort of way!
11 x 9 in. / 28 x 23 cm.
I really needed something very bright and different to work on while I was finishing Carmella. I have NO idea why I decided on lobsters, but they are quite alien-looking [yes, I am a devoted science fiction fan] So I did a bit of research on the computer, found some good photos, and did a sketch. This particular lobster is an American yellow lobster - VERY rare, one in thirty million.
I have two more on the board to paint, and can hardly wait to let the paint fly! It feels great to get away form my usual controlled style of painting. I hope you like Lenny as much as I do. Let me know what you think!