Monday, January 7, 2013

The Evolution of the Chicken

Those are raindrops on the lens. It is so wet, the ducks were swimming on the lower back lawn this morning. Hope you can see them.

It's so dark and gloomy today, the lighting is very poor for photography.
Chicken's colors are actually more intense, and the darks darker.
This is a small [for me] painting - 7 x 8 inches. I would like your opinion. I think she looks good standing alone, with no background. What do you think?

I have also started the fledgling barn swallow again, with a much lighter background  - w/w with quin. burnt orange, quin. siena and cobalt blue.

As always, I love your comments!


  1. HI Kathryn,

    I just feel like I would like to see with a background with other chicken someday, but this is piece is beautiful enough. Without background the chicken let me think a story.

  2. Its the same story here, Kathryne. No sun for a string of days and no hope, either!
    Your hen looks perfect to me, I would leave it as it is- she is bathed in sunlight at the moment, I think this light would lose its beauty if background is added.You have the final say, of course,its just a suggestion!Good luck.

  3. Love the chicken as is, without a background. Might be inclined to darken the under foot shadow - but that might be ok in real life if the camera has washed things out a bit. You decide :) xx

  4. I think I would leave it without a background...I like as is "me and my shadow"...The barn swallow is coming along beautifully..

  5. Oh, yes, leave the hen as is - she's one beautiful bird and doesn't need any background more than a hint of ground :) Boy, you are having wet wet wet weather! We are in a dry spell and almost all the snow has melted - they say it's going up to 50F by the end of the week!

  6. I like it just as it is. It looks so full of sunlight! If you do add a background though, I think something minimal would be nice :0)

  7. Its fascinating - just fascinating - to watch your chicken evolve. I also like it with the white background - that way all eyes are on this proud strutting chicken!

  8. We like the chicky hen- just the way she is!

  9. Hello Kathryn:) Your chicken is beautiful as it is now. Especially the green shadow is amazing. It doesn't need a background at all. In the past a teacher of watercolor class said to me that there is no need to fill the whole paper at any time. I love it so much as it is now!!! But... you are the artist:) And a good one!

  10. wonderful hen and washes katharyn .
