Decidedly a grumpy day
My new home on an ecological farm ...
Exotic pheasants
Exotic pheasants [of the female persuasion]

About 40 - 50 chickens, plus 2 guinea hens
Four emus
Two sheep, possibly more, and some goats, soon
Lola on the left, Speckles on the right
SO ... what the hell am I doing on an eco farm? I've been here since mid-December. I decided to have a largish tiny home built, and find a spot in the countryside to park it. My reasons [and feelings] are the exorbitant price of any kind of housing in British Columbia. I want to be in a rural setting; I believe,
like so many, that we have gone much too far off track from our connections with ourselves and Nature.I'll leave it at that for now. I'm sure I'll have more to say with more clarity later.
And it's a grumpy day. It started bucketing rain as I was feeding all the animals - a chore I do about twice a week. One of the pigs came at me, looking like he wanted a piece of me - literally. The donkey kicked me. Granted, he was aiming for the miniature Nubian goat, and it wasn't a hard kick. And the sandhill crane came after me; sometimes she's fine, other times she's quite nasty - a bit scary considering the length of her beak.
I'm writing this to re-connect with myself and everyone else. The "plague" and its sequelae have left me feeling rather wobbly. I am hoping that getting back to what I loved doing will ground me. And I also hope you all find something interesting, amusing, helpful ... whatever. Entertaining, at the very least. Bye for now ...