Reference photo - it looks like it was taken in an indoor arena. |
Mask, then a wash of thin purple-grey. |
I start adding some thin glazes of local color. |
Add more mask around her muzzle, and do more darkening of existing colors. |
I need a background to judge how dark to go with her coloring. I chose soft pink, orange and blue - to maintain the softness of the painting, and to compliment her coloration. |
I darken her eyes and add more pink/orange to her muzzle. |
I've painted around her mane and forelock to bring them to notice. |
The mask is all off, and I am working on the bridle. I don't want it as dark as the photo, as it will overwhelm the painting. |
Here she is - DONE!!!
Photo taken outdoors. |
This is at the same stage, with indoor lighting. |
Well, she is finished, and [surprisingly] I am quite pleased with the finished painting! Her owner is up in northern Alberta, visiting family for the holidays, so I won't get her reaction till the New Year.
As ever and always, if you have any questions about color, technique ... whatever, please ask. And ALL comments are most welcome!
Even though I am a complete and total humbug at this time of year, I wish all of you and your families a most happy and wonderful Christmas! And Peace and Love to you all!!