Japonica in bloom, in front of the pond |
The two willows at far side of pond |
Bruno, enjoying a munch of fresh grass |
My home-made covered kitty-litter box |
Daffodils in full bloom |
My dear land-lady, Pat, trying to get Buddy to "smile" for a photo |
Bruno, on the lower back lawn, in front of riding ring and barn |
Wild violets in bloom |
I didn't even know I had "paper-whites" in my garden.
They have such a beautiful perfume. |
Very odd-looking photo of Bruno reaching, mouth agape, to scratch himself. |
Fruit trees in blossom. As I was taking this, Bruno
was taste-testing lower branches |
Grande Finale - burning off the old, inedible hay |
Fire Marshall Bruno
FINALLY ... we are getting some spring-like weather here on the "Wet" coast. It wasn't a particularly cold winter, but SOOOOO long.
With the bright, almost-warm weather, I got a lot done the last two days. From the top of the page downwards ... I made a covered litter box for Miss Pumpkin, who is most zealous when she uses the facilities. I took one of the plastic storage bins from the barn, cleaned it up, and, after measuring Pumpkin, cut an opening in one of the narrow ends. She loves it, and I don't have litter and other bits all over the bathroom.
I took some photos of Buddy, in an attempt to get some references for a portrait. Pat [owner] adores him, and he worships her, so I'd very much like to do a painting that reflects that love.
I rode the lad. It had been over three months, what between wet, soggy conditions, and me getting over a few infirmities. But yesterday, my trainer/friend, Rhonda, came over to help. She suggested I use my old dressage saddle with a fleece half-pad underneath. It seemed to fit and work well, [Bruno will let us know if he finds it uncomfortable over time] and I was very happy to be using that saddle. I've been riding him with an equitation saddle, and when one is used to a dressage saddle, it's like riding with no saddle. The dressage one is like a big, comfy easy-chair. And Bruno went very well, much more attentive and willing to communicate. I think he's liking his role as a saddle horse.
At the end of the day, I decided to finish off burning the old inedible hay. Here in the country, one is allowed to purchase a burning permit, valid for a month. This is done in April and September, when it is still quite wet, and there is no chance of a fire spreading out of control. So at 8 PM, I started cleaning out one of the hay storage areas, and hauling the old hay out to burn. I finally finished around 11 PM, and under the watchful eye of Fire Marshall Bruno, I made sure the fire was out.