Masked, with some colors poured on |
Mask off |
Some light washes on foreground figures |
I thought it was OK ... |
then I came home from work yesterday, and did this |
I have been feeling somewhat frustrated of late. I quit one of my dental hygiene positions, and there are NO other hygiene jobs right now. But it was something I had to do; I was actually feeling physically ill about working there, and that amount of stress is a killer ... literally. So now I work only at my "happy" office [previously mentioned in this blog]
And I am frustrated with riding, or lack thereof. The weather has been such that I am able to get perhaps two days of playing with Bruno per week. Both of us are under-exercised and over-fed!!!
My painting, too, I find vexing. I feel I am just NOT expressing what and how I would like to express ... I am not even able to "verbalize" the idea clearly. I have been studying a lot of other web sites and blogs to find some sort of inspiration, and I have come across several ideas I would like to play with. I think basically I would love to start REALLY loosening up, paint OUTSIDE the lines. So that is what I started doing last night. I quickly mixed some darks, got a big flat bush, and slopped paint. And I like it!!