Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Eureka Moment ...

Touched up shadows on foreground sheep

Sandy, I lightened shadows on left, and pumped up a few at the centre. I thank you for your input!

As I was coming up from the barn, after feeding the lad,  I caught the toe of my gum-boot, and went flying. It must have jolted some of my little grey cells, because I realized what I have been struggling to figure out for the past few months. Like all artists, I have been trying to find my voice, my style, who I am as a painter. I've been scrambling, trying different techniques and styles. And it hit me ... well, I hit the ground, and then it hit me. I am a perfectionist, always have been, probably always will be. And I love detail and intricacy. Even in riding, I fell into dressage - the systematic training of horse [and rider] to increasingly more refined movement. 
I am happy and content with that revelation. While I will take occasional, temporary diversions from my customary style, and deeply admire the looseness [yes, THAT again] of some painters,  I will be at reasonable peace with my art.


  1. interesting post, great sheep too :)

  2. Wow. Sounds like that fall was just what you needed. :) I'm so happy that you've decided to embrace your love for detail. It IS who you are, and I love that about your work. Love the sheepies too.

  3. It's an interesting revelation -- and something maybe I should contemplate as well.

    I have always tried to be looser, and have a more "wet" and "effortless" look for my watercolor. But the more I try to loosen up and finish everything in one go and let it be, the more frustrated I feel because I did not like the results.

    Maybe it's just not me, maybe it's still not time yet, but maybe I should just make peace with who I am not...

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  4. I am happy that you did not hurt yourself when you fell! The sheep and rose are just perfect!
    It's also good to hear that you found yourself!
    Sometimes I think I have found me, and I go off searching on a new journey- but I always come back home and just be myself. That is where I am right now. Its a good place to be,

  5. The massive improvement in your work proves beyond doubt that you are indeed a perfectionist. I am sure you shall be doing very well.
    I love the sheep and the rose.
    Best wishes,

  6. You made a very important 'discovery'...what and who you are....we can admire and ' wish we were like', but in the end we are all different and have our own styles and capabilities...sounds obvious to be true to oneself, but it is not. Love the sheep and the rose.

  7. What beasutiful Sheep! I love them, they are so clevery done. Perfect colours too :0)

  8. hope the injury isn't major. It's a treat to see your paintings evolving. Enjoying the slideshow above - it's time to enter some of these in exhibits and shows!

  9. Good for you for making the decision!
    Its a good point for you to have reached. Hope you're not hurt from the trip xx
